Jonas Helseth
Executive Director
Jonas Helseth is the Director of Bellona Europa, the EU branch of the Bellona Foundation, and leads the Foundation’s work on net zero industry in Europe, notably including focus areas like energy systems, carbon management (CCS/CCU/CDR), lead markets and hydrogen. Bellona was the first environmental NGO worldwide to place CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS) on the political agenda, more than two decades ago. Since, Bellona has developed into a knowledge base on CCS in Europe and beyond and has published a wide range of technical and policy reports on the topic, including CCS deployment roadmaps for several EU countries and guides and roadmaps for the decarbonisation of EU industry. Bellona Europa works closely with the EU research community, relevant industries, and EU policy makers to highlight the necessity of CCS as a key part of the climate technology portfolio. Helseth joined Bellona in 2010, coming from a position as Advisor to the Mission of Norway to the EU on energy and transport policies. He is vice chair of the EU Technology & Innovation Platform (ETIP) for carbon management (ZEP). Helseth initiated and lead ZEP’s work on CCS in Energy-Intensive Industries (steel, cement, chemicals, and refineries) and Bio-CCS/CDR respectively, topics rapidly growing in political importance in Europe and globally. Moreover, he seats in the ETIP Bioenergy’s Steering Committee.