
Classification mechanisms for sustainable economic activities around the world

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Time and place

December 8, 2023

10:00 (UTC+04:00)

Bellona's Pavilion, Blue Zone COP28

The case of an international forum to overcome current market fragmentation

Join us for a pivotal discussion on classification mechanisms on sustainable finance! Bellona Europa presents an insightful event shedding light on the pressing need for classification mechanisms in sustainable economic activities. 

In recent years several countries and regions around the world have developed classification mechanisms for sustainable economic activities. The European Union, with its Sustainable Finance Taxonomy, has become somewhat of a role-model in these efforts, as highlighted in the Bellona Europa brief “The EU Sustainable Finance Taxonomy’s spill over effects on International classification mechanisms for sustainable economic activities”. 

The aim of this event by Bellona Europa is to highlight the need for classification mechanisms for sustainable economic activities, why international harmonisation of such classification mechanisms is crucial and how COP could possibly be a solution to some of the challenges we face today. 

The first part of the event will take stock of the current global status of development of classification mechanisms for sustainable economic activities. The participants will assess the current situation from their perspective, highlighting the main obstacles and needs.

After the presentations, a panel will discuss how best to work towards international harmonisation of such classification mechanisms, and whether an international forum under the umbrella of COP can contribute positively to this regard. 


  • Francesco Lombardi (Policy Advisor, Sustainable Finance and Economy)
  • Magali Van Coppenolle (Global Head of Policy, Climate Bonds Initiative)
  • Mattias Frumerie (head of the Swedish delegation to the UNFCCC)
  • David Carlin (Climate and Sustainability Leader, Advisor, and Expert; Head of Climate Risk- UNEP FI)
  • Sean Kidney (CEO, Climate Bonds Initiative)
  • Lina Strandvåg Nagell (Senior Manager Projects & EU Policy, Bellona Europa)
  • Sanjeev Gupta (Executive Director, Financial Services, Africa Finance Corporation)