Consultation Response – Evaluation of the Public Procurement Directives
Bellona Europa welcomes the revision of the EU Public Procurement framework. Public procurement contributes to 15% of the European Union GDP in ma...
The European Commission published in October 2022 its intention to develop a Communication on its strategic vision for the deployment of Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) in the EU, to be published by the end of 2023. As outlined in a letter signed by Bellona, CATF and several other stakeholders in early June 2023, the European Commission was strongly urged to ensure the publication of the Industrial Carbon Management Strategy before the end of 2023 and along with its fast implementation.
This public consultation by the European Commission marks a crucial point in the efforts towards developing and scaling a European CO2 Network for transport and storage to enable industrial decarbonisation across Europe. These guidelines from Bellona Europa are meant as a tool to help and enable multiple stakeholders to respond to the public consultation.
Download the consultation response here:
Consultation – Industrial Carbon Management Strategy
Bellona Europa Feedback Industrial Carbon Management Strategy 31082023
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