Call for Evidence and Consultation Response: Energy Security Check
Bellona welcomes the Commission’s decision to carry out an assessment of the EU’s energy security architecture and the opportunity to pro...
On the 27th April, Bellona Europa submitted the Consultation Response on the Commission Delegated Regulation on a climate change mitigation and adaptation taxonomy .
The European Commission’s dedication to a timely finalisation of the planned delegated acts on climate change mitigation and adaptation is commendable in challenging and uncertain times.
As a long-time advocate for a just transition for all, closely working with the scientific community to ensure achievable outcomes for industrial decarbonisation for decades, Bellona Europa strongly supports the inclusion of CCS as an enabler for reaching the set threshold. This includes the installation of CCS technology being seen as taxonomy eligible once the screening criteria has been met. The science remains clear: deep decarbonisation is not attainable without access to CO2 transport and storage at a large scale.
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