
Statoil increases transport safety work in the Barents Sea

Publish date: January 30, 2006

Norwegian oil and gas Statoil ASA will gratuitously present a laboratory to define oil characteristics for big oil catastrophes liquidation to Murmansk region.

According to the chairman of Murmansk regional committee of natural resources and environment Nikolay Bichuk, the price of the equipment is one million US dollars. “This equipment is one of the points of the Agreement between Murmansk region and Statoil, signed the previous year, standing the start up of its execution”, Bichuk told.

“Nowadays Russia does not execute the main international demand. It does not provide information about content of transported oil. There is no special laboratory in Murmansk region, that is why we are not ready to prevent or eliminate large scale catastrophes”, Bichuk mentioned. The laboratory is planned to be located in Murmansk center of standardization and metrology, which has special technologies and specialists, Interfax reported.

The chairman of the committee detailed that this laboratory is only a part of the Russian-Norwegian program of partnership. According to Bichuk, Statoil also allocates about one million US dollars to re-equipment of Murmansk center of oil spills liquidation, responsible for environmental safety of the Western Arctic.

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