
UN report on climate change: Developed countries’ inaction on climate change will compound suffering of poorest

Publish date: April 30, 2007

On the occasion of the publication of a report by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in Brussels, Finnish Green and vice-chair of the EP Environment Committee Satu Hassi said that the inaction of developed countries in combating climate change will compound suffering in the developing world.

“Our planet has a fever and we need to act rapidly to prevent the disease from getting worse,“ said Hassi.“Last month EU leaders agreed to cut EU greenhouse gas emissions by 20% by 2020, even though most accept the evidence that this will not be enough. They have indicated that the EU will only commit to the necessary 30% cut in emissions if other developed countries do so. Today’s report once again makes clear that time is of the essence in fighting climate change. Instead of squabbling over who is doing the least to combat change, developed countries within the EU and elsewhere should be forging ahead with efforts to prevent a potential climate catastrophe”.

Hassi further said that Germany’s Chanceller Angela Merkel “must use the upcoming G8 summit to ensure that other developed countries are brought on board, and that time limited negotiations for a post 2012 agreement in the UN context are launched in Bali end of this year.“

According to Hassi, climate change is the world’s most serious threat and that, without a more robust approach to the policy measures chosen to combat climate change, the temperatures will continue to increase even beyond 2100, reported the Greens/ EFA in the European Parliament last weekend.

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