
Bellona’s programme in Copenhagen Des 17th

Publish date: December 16, 2009

All today's side events that were to be held Bellona Room at Bella Centre i København have been moved to Café Aporta, Kongens Nytorg 17. Among today's events there will be a discussion on the possibility of realizing the 2-degree target.

All open side events will be streamed live here, and can be found in the archive.

10.00-11.30: Climate models and the future: Is the 2-degree target possible?

Co-hosts: Bjerknes Centre

11.45-13.15: E3G: Climate security

13.30-14.30: A Good Climate for Jobs

Co-hosts: The Global Climate Network and The Ashden Awards

14.45-16.15: The Terrestrial Carbon Group

16.30-18.00: Fair Climate: US Constituencies Perspectives

18.15-19.15: Global Faith Leaders

Read comprehensive presentations of all Bellona’s side events  in Copenhagen here.

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