
Open Letter: Joint Statement On The Carbon Removal Certification Framework

Publish date: March 7, 2023

With the following NGOs, we strongly support the scaling up of safe and effective carbon dioxide removal (CDR) to accelerate net emissions reductions, address residual emissions in hard-to-abate sectors as part of the transition to climate neutrality by 2050, and achieve net negative emissions thereafter.

With the following NGOs, we strongly support the scaling up of safe and effective carbon dioxide removal (CDR) to accelerate net emissions reductions, address residual emissions in hard-to-abate sectors as part of the transition to climate neutrality by 2050, and achieve net negative emissions thereafter. An ambitious net negative emissions target is crucial for the EU to demonstrate leadership and take responsibility for past and future emissions. This scale-up of carbon removals must occur in parallel with deep and rapid emissions cuts across all sectors of the economy and must not dilute nor delay those efforts.

Read our open letter:

NGO OPEN LETTER – Carbon Removal Certification

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