Joint Manifesto – Practical Policies for a Just and Resilient Built Environment
Along with a coalition of civil society organisations, NGOs, trade unions, local governments, and business representatives, Bellona Europa calls for ...
What truly is “low-carbon”?
We keep hearing that, to align with the EU decarbonisation goals, society needs to switch to “low-carbon” products. This, of course, also applies to construction products. But a common definition of what a “low-carbon” material is, is missing. Bellona set out to provide a framework that allows for a common understanding of embodied carbon in general, and low-carbon construction products in particular.
We have written a foundational “Terms of reference” report, which is a comprehensive review of the technical and political aspects of embodied carbon in construction products, focusing on cement and steel, which are two of the most carbon-intensive materials due to their traditional production processes.
Find the full report as a Notion webpage here.
Find the full report here, in PDF version below.
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