Bellona’s Resolutions for the Clean Industrial Deal
Just as the rest of us are deciding which New Year resolutions will stick for the full year, and which one were mere fads, the European Commission is...
Authors: Sigurd Enge, Bellona Erlend Fjøsna, Bellona Árni Sigurbjarnarson, North Sailing
Publisher: Bellona & North Sailing
Down load the report here.
The objective of this report is to show how a regenerative hybrid-electric propulsion system can dramatically improve the economy as well as the experience during sailing of medium sized boats that operate by both motor and by sail. This report shows how these problems can be solved by using regenerative hybrid-electric propulsion instead of diesel engine based propulsion. A range of cases specific to concrete vessels are presented, as well as a discussion of the evaluations, choices, trade-offs, and tests that needs to be performed in order to pilot the application of regenerative hybrid-electric propulsion. Other energy efficiency measures onboard are also described, in particular capturing and utilising waste heat generated onboard.
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